Project Gallery

827 W Carson

Property Pros: 827-Carson-theater image
Property Pros: 827-Carson-downstairs kitchen remodel
827-Carson-countertop backsplash image
827-Carson-bath remodel image
827-Carson-A-41 kitchen & dining room image
827-Carson - living room image

1005 Rex

home addition example - bedroom
1005-Rex-bath remodel image
Property Pros: 1005-Rex-barnwood close up
kitchen remodeling - Rex kitchen
Property Pros: 1005-Rex bedroom 2 image
kitchen remodeling tips

1009 Rex

1009-Rex-trim doors
1009-Rex-livingroom image
1009-Rex-kitchen side view
Property Pros: 1009-Rex-flooring image
Property Pros: 1009-Rex living stonework
Property Pros: 1009-Rex bathroom renovation

1025 W Rex

Property Pros: 1025-W-Rex--living room
Property Pros: 1025 Rex counter and backsplash
1025 rex 9 home - decks
Property Pros: 1025-W-Rex--Kitchen
Property Pros: 1025-W-Rex pool table room
1025-W-kitchen bar image

2107 Washington

Property Pros Muncie, Indiana
Property Pros Muncie, Indiana - Room Addition
Property Pros Muncie, Indiana
Property Pros Muncie, Indiana
Property Pros Muncie, Indiana
bathroom image with hanging HOME banner
A fun time lapse of the construction of an accent wall at Young’s Title.